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 “Coffee Haus?” 

That’s a great question! As coffee fanatics, we gathered a myriad of ideas and inspirations from trekking the globe in search of “different” coffee brewing and serving traditions. One of our favorite experiences was in Vienna, Austria, the center of Europe’s ‘Kaffee Haus Kultur.’ Vienna, a city with opulent white stone buildings, boasts a rich art and music history, and has an array of thriving places where people socialize and meet new friends. Viennese for centuries have favored one place above all for mingling; the ‘kaffee haus!’ The most famous coffee haus, the Franheuber Café is where Mozart and Beethoven first performed together! On any given day, people sit in big, comfy booths and chairs, chatting and laughing as waiters bring delicious drinks, such as the decadently famous, Einspänner, that looks more like an overflowing dessert than a coffee. We observed each coffee concoction served on a silver tray with a small glass of water, making the presentation as incredible as the taste. The cafe atmosphere was as boisterous as a pub and filled with joy, friendship, and a sense of community. We were hooked and we became obsessed. Our deep dive into coffee culture continued... from chic coffee spots in Sweden, to traditional Persian cafes. We spent time downing espresso after espresso strolling through many Italian cities. We sipped the dark, strong, yet sweet Turkish coffees under ancient stone arched buildings in Istanbul and Cairo, and sampled incredible brews on volcanic mountain sides in Bali, Costa Rica, and Hawaii. We learned the hippest coffee trends in Australia’s top-notch coffee scene, and in Japan witnessed the sheer mastery put into meticulously crafting their coffees. With all that we learned, and bubbling with fresh ideas, we’d dreamed of more than just a coffee shop; we conceived a social hub, a community, a coffee haus.